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, destroyed many forces than who he is clear ,such a huge monster might be able to fight Ouyang ?relationresultWhenBai Mingqing looked to Bai Xiuming and Lu Xiu when they found that this two people is a smile !relationresultThe Pantheonis powerful? Yes ,the Pantheon is very strong, strong to the present at a patrol that can let Ouyang line of life and death ,but this does not mean life is so .
relationresultA double-surnamehome badly ?A double-surname home as the four major family most mysterious family can offended by the family ,but is beginning to be in the true spirit of Ouyang Bian with a double-surname worked on !But the end result is Ouyang will be a double-surname B īcornered.
relationresultIf nota double-surname family ancestors come true spiritual whole a double-surname home connected to fairyland ,may now have no so-called a double-surname home .relationresultFor Ouyang,the pressure is the power !The pressure is the driving force to continue moving forward !Just enough pressure on Ouyang to continue to advance, the white Xiuming and Lu Xiu believe firmly ,I believe that shortly after Ouyang this name just like in real world as throughout the fairyland !relationresultArrow of GodOuyang !Arrow of God ,the true God of the same level of arrows ,an arrow seckill !This is what Ouyang pursue .
If Ouyang Zhen can come to this step ,ten immortal statue can how ,said to Ouyang Lai but is ten arrows !relationresultIn the truespirit of Ouyang Bianneng million miles an arrow after H ú n,to fairyland ,Ouyang will ascend, now Xi ǎ oflame replaced will arrow ,Ouyang Bizhi past more powerful ,his arrow and terror ,so the arrow in the name of God one day would still be sung by people in the world .
relationresultSword Zoupian front!Ouyang Bian is Zoupian Jian-feng example ,who said to give up their advantage to choose this sword Zoupian front will fail? As long as you work hard ,this world is not the way to the piece of road ,any way is the people come out .
.. ... , relationresultI hopeso .Bai Mingqing knows that ,on the understanding of Ouyang ,his Bai Xiuming and Lu Xiu to far exceed their own ,as Ouyang master, white Xiuming put a will Ouyang pull up, just let Ouyang go to today ,he also believes that Ouyang are doomed extraordinary .
.. ... , relationresultThetemple is located in the northwest side of fairyland fairyland ,is relatively prosperous area ,but this flourishing area with the Koyama is separated from a forgotten forest ,and now Ouyang stood on the forgotten forest before watching forgetting forest in front of the stand on the .
relationresultInthe fairyland ,enhance the fastest way is fighting ,and fighting the best place is mixed the battlefield ,but if you are entering the fairyland ,interracial battlefield is almost die .
This is Zhao Gang tell Ouyang .relationresultwhere I want to go to have more the battle ,where can I endless killing ? Ouyang Zaisuo demon trouble at Zhao Gang asked .relationresultThe forgotten city northwest !There is a bloody ,there is the world prosperous ,there have the most bloody most people did not x ì ngarena ,where ,you can unlock all endless killings ,of course ,all of this requires you to have sufficient strength ,but if you can always win ,then you will never enter into the death arena ! Zhao Gang told Ouyang .
relationresultSince nobody has ever been able to go out from the death ring !Thousands of people cut !Thousands of unbeaten ,has a maximum is a named bloody butcher Enron guy ,he maintained a eight hundred and seventy-two game winning streak !Eight hundred and seventy-two games in a row, this is almost a can not be reproduced from the recording ,even I can set foot in it ,so you want in, must be taken into account when clear .
Zhao Gang had initially mine Ouyang Rufei necessary ,must not enter the arena of death .relationresultOuyang originallydid not want into death arena ,but now he can go without the road, entering the fairyland would join the various sects ,yourself goes where to look for Feixianguan kill ?Don yourself through? , relationresultDeath arena !Thousands of people cut !Bloody butcher records !Let me Ouyang Lai to end the unbeaten mythologies ! Ouyang clenched his fists ,thousands of people cut ,thousands of games in a row, Ouyang believes he can do it !Think of it all Ouyang into the forgotten forest begins forward he Xianjie first station is also the greatest challenge ever forgotten city .
.. ... , relationresultThe eleventh chapter kylin Unicorn , relationresultThe eleventh chapterkylin Unicorn , relationresultThe forgottencity ,called forget is forgotten forest gets its name because it .
If it is still a very poignant forgotten forest legend .relationresultRumorsin the early before ,once a young people like his foe NV ,for this thing he very painful, he later in the sides of the pressure finally collapses, a person into a great forest .
relationresultThousands of years later,a white-haired man from the forest came out ,the person is the first young man .In the forest ten thousand years let young people rushed to the Fairy Statue of peak !He stepped out of the woods to the immortal statue of dissolve two hate and marry the NV child .
relationresultButtime is cruel ,thousands of years ,NV child already married to f ù ,his family has gone .Everything has already become the past .relationresultThe boy turned intoa man ,man grow up into a strong, but everything has changed .
All thoughts are blasted. He alone returned to the forest ,he enters the forest when he told the world ,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com,one day when he forgets everything when he would walk through the forest .relationresultSince thento commemorate this fairy statue ,the forest had a name -- a forgotten forest .
relationresultIt is just a legend,a very tragic legend .Ouyang from the stone above read the story, but Ouyang does not think it is a legend .relationresultFacenumerous legends ,why do not like the forgotten forest stand on stone ?Perhaps this stele is a reminder ,warn people to remember this forgotten forest has a strong presence of the .
relationresultEasier said than done. ... ... If Zhao Gang can forget ... ... Ouyang walked in the forgotten forest was again abandoned the life of Zhao Gang .relationresultZhao Gang?Of course ,Zhao Gang and Ouyang have almost same X ì nglattice ,but in the end but not through a love pass !Ouyang has come to understand ,the world difficult through may be a condition closes ,so Ouyang felt ,were it not for the matchless ,that not to be concerned with love and romance .
.. ... , relationresultNo matter how this legend ,the risk is obviously the forgotten forest ... ... Along with the slowly into oblivion forest ,Ouyang began to escape to the line, after all, Ouyang itself has no Faerie atmosphere ,so the escape and Ouyang all the way down is removed from a lot of trouble .
relationresultInthe fairyland ,whether man or beast ,the judge has no methods are the use of Faerie of the gas, and Ouyang freak no Faerie of the gas, so unless with the eyes see or touch the super strong, or want to find Ouyang is almost impossible .
relationresultThe beast boy ... ... Ouyang tried to probe these evil strength ,but every time when his Xi ǎ oflames need send out, close to those of the time, will be the monster found .
relationresultSo Ouyangcould not really feel the beast is what grade ,but there is no doubt about it, that is absolutely impossible is the evil opponent .relationresultIn the undergroundcrept ,Ouyang feared for his sad .
In the true spirit of the best in all the land to the fairyland saw Xi ǎ ocat Xi ǎ odog had to detour ,it a shame .relationresultStrong !I will continue to grow stronger !Thousands of people cut !Death arena ,no matter how difficult I will enter the past ! Ouyang I swear no matter how difficult ,some day in the future also must once again brilliant . Related articles:

