
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc iong Si and acquaint

A top-class cutthroat, now but can not kill a lower than oneself livelong yellow hair boy of two classes, absolutely make him catch wildly.
(The grade that the wild goose south flies as long as he has intention to hidden of visit to say goodbye a person to can not see clearly.However, he is afraid other people because can not tell their own real strenghts, but be treated as superior from the same class oneself, oneself have no mix the opportunity that the pig eats tiger.For canning mix a pig to eat tiger, he has intention to show his own real strenght, and lowered two article ranks of own real strenghts.So, eight class low grades of 19 think that oneself flies livelong two classeses of Gaos than the wild goose south.)
19 finally used his kill to recruit of a-thunder cloud storm!
Thunder cloud storm is seven class thunder breeze two fasten to mix sorcery, the power is huge, as soon as use, the breeze helps thunder power, thunder and lightning cloth become tight dragnet, greatly can arrive ten Zhang square circle, small also have one Zhang square circle.As long as any thing in the scope is all difficult the storm ground escaping thunder cloud to destroy.
Thunder cloud storm is a , innumerable thick such as big the thunder and lightning of the size split crazily bottom, the strong breeze roars and shouts and curls up to cover with*.
The wild goose south flies to know oneself finished, definitely can not escape to attackstone this time.However, he didn't give up, he coagulated the true dollar of whole body, the right hand displays to bite evil knife definitely a second type-take out knife to break water!The left hand displays what he created at the same time 1 set moreover extremely learn the achievement of Long Jie Shen second type-negative Long Zhan!This is he can use of most badly of a recruit.
The achievement of Long Jie Shen is he according to the absolute being numerous dragons condition for fighting is combining a kind of body Shu that the oneself creates, this force learns only with lend violent body just can develop power.However, he returns now two types before creating, is the achievement of Long Jie Shen first type-rise Long Ba!With the achievement of Long Jie Shen second type-negative Long Zhan!Still need to be continued to create, improvement with perfect.
The wild goose south flies a to try very hard to, the power is naturally extraordinary.But see one knife the huge knife long grass arouse to shoot but, simply from the thunder and lightning storm laceration a space, go straight to 19 but go.But he is own body as shell at the same time and keep shotting into 19, the left hand is negative to cut but.
The wild goose south flies to exist a silk by luck, he hopes his own the attack that the body can resist the other party thunder and lightning.
19 also see the action that a wild goose south flies, he fly this undertaking to give a snicker to the wild goose south and unexpectedly dare to resist my attack with the body, is really recklessly and blindly do, even if is an absolute being class superior's connecting so a shot will also become burnt carbon.
However, he hasn't come yet and chuckle, the facial expression suddenly and greatly changes,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, because he saw his dreaming don't believe as well of an act.The wild goose south flew unexpectedly to wear out from is an of the thunder and lightning net, and wild goose the south fly of the left hand still take a to put on the ray of light of lightning flashes sort and keep rushing toward 19 throats.
"The light of grain of rice!"19 cold hum 1.The right Zhang releases in the moment, a sturdy Dou spirit contains the power shot of thunder and lightning at wild goose the south fly of body.Not only and easily dissolved wild goose the south fly of kill and recruit, and fly the shot to the wild goose south and fly and go out.
The wild goose south flies to clearly feel'Ca Ca'voice, that is the voice that the rib splits.
Immediately BE'Mao'ground one Be huge to ring, the wild goose south flies to bump at ground up, he feels he a whole body of the bones all spread, the bone didn't know to break how much root.If not that the wild goose south flies little reformation dragon of that process to whet violent body after doing, he is definitely to doom.However, he was also placed in a confusing stage now.
Wild goose south's flying to see in the dim moonlight 19 to take cold ruthlessness smiling face of Yin is approaching to oneself, he feels that the Azrael is approaching himself/herself.
"The wild goose south flies!..."The orchid sword deeply grievedly hallooes.
The wild goose south flies to really move not get, he saw orchid sword there one eye and prepared to shut eyes.BE bursting upon two persons who all over cover with in the full-length gown by this time, one gold is one silver.They send out at the same time together thin and weak visit silky Dou spirit of long grass, all offend to 19.
See the rescue come, the wild goose south flies a spirit big earthquake, can right away for the Yan, he not believes that thin and weak the spirit long grass visiting silky Dou can help top what favour.
19 fellings are totally different, he feels his own good elephant be targeted, whatever escape is all dead end.The Dou spirit long grass of that fine thread sort gave him Tashan to press a pressure of sort and pressed he moves not get.
One act that immediately appeared to make the wild goose southern to fly a gape, 19 unexpectedly 2 if have if the Dou spirit having no wore deeply, even the bloods have never flowed 1 drop to fall flop, 19 dead also not ability Ming eyes.
The wild goose south flies head inside working one Shan.
The attack concentrates at 1:00!The attack concentrates at 1:00!The attack concentrates at 1:00!......
The wild goose south flies to constantly read Dao this words, the in the mind finally had the way that the improvement bites evil knife definitely.
However, he is bearing with inhumane ache, there is no time thinking carefully.
That leader is surprised to exhale:"Is a gold and silver double very!Withdraw!"His winning an eye is trembling, the good elephant crashes into hellish devil general.
Their a group of persons was originally all placed in to decide the last breeze, soon can end to fight, can after seeing gold dress person and silver dress a person an arrival, they resolutely gave up to go to forthcoming victory.To fly to shoot to escape on all sides, made a bird monster to spread.
"Want to walk!Have no so easily!"Gold dress the person Be cold to hum 1, made track for to go out, the hand inside continuously wrote freely a thin long grass.
The silver dress person is also unwilling to fall behind, maded track for toward moreover a direction to go out, the similarly thin long grass connected hair.
Bellow one by one, sad and shrill and matchless, dash forward nine Xiaos.
The voice disappeared, gold and silver two eccentrics also had no again appear.
Four greatest gold the helmet just was ragged, the whole body was a blood, soft poured in the ground, two sorcery teachers were slightly good, was just magic point exhaustion.After bath of blood confused conflict, thunder tiger and under charge total 7 people's left 5 people, have two severely wounded of more suffering froms among them, the thunder tiger is also with cuts and bruises all over by himself/herself.
In the ground, the obfuscation of Qiong Si's life and death doesn't know.The Hong Jiao is slightly good, also support doing not fall flop.However, he wants to see a gold and silver double very and Qiong Si is not ability.
In the owner only orchid sword didn't get hurt, capability also didn't consume.
The orchid sword sees the enemy run, momentary runs to the wild goose south to fly nearby, concern way:"The wild goose south flies, you are all right?"
The wild goose south flies to extrude one silk than cry still difficult see of smiling face, way:"I still insist live, you see Qiong Si and stop bleeding for him."
The orchid sword takes out to harm a medicine, the bead tears Ying Ying way:"You harm so heavy, I first stop bleeding for you!"
The wild goose south flies to raise an orotund way:"You quickly cure for them, I ability I stop bleeding."His tone allows of no to allow to resist.
The orchid sword flicks a tear to run to the Qiong Si nearby and checked first for a while, way:"He just suffered from external injury and bled too many, lifeless dangerous."
The wild goose south flies to hear this sentence, the in the mind loosenned tone.
The orchid sword tears off the clothes of Qiong Si and acquaints with a ground of top to rise a medicine.By this time she also cans not considers of men and women, it defended.
Two sorcery teachers also have no carefree, they lift to start to gather the last silk magic point, for get hurt of the person displayed lowest of treatment sorcery, first chase blood for maimed person live.
The orchid sword is rich in experience, very quick tie up Qiong Si to complete, and then dress a wound for others.
The wild goose south flies the pain of enduring the awl heart and starts carrying an achievement treatment, the little dragon has already wide awoke, and he is also helping the wild goose the south to fly a treatment.
If not that having in fact the little dragon provide energy to protect a body, the wild goose south flies just cut off be not likely to once hurtle 19 thunder cloud storm nets.One more, they once experienced a thunder, although was a previous incarnation to experience of, can still keep making the wild goose southern the body flying to increase a lot to anti- sex of the thunder and lightning.The reason adds together at 2:00, the wild goose south flew to just once escape a to rob.

The third gathers to round to make track for to block up to cut chapter 11 miserably thin
Ba Da novel download the net renew time:2012-4-215:09:53 chapter word numbers:4091

Chapter 11 is miserably thin
The persons getting hurt all at force a luck achievement adjust an interest, two masters are also resuming a magic point.
The orchid sword after tying up the wounds of owner all well anxiously runs to the wild goose south to fly nearby, discover wild goose the south flies of the wound all indeed as expected stopped bleeding to become scarred and didn't already let her surprise.
The wild goose south flies just in the self-discipline

