
dr dre beats wn very curious the

In the whole world have never made moves, so no one knows the depth of dollar in the town son, unique make moves of that woulds be at the beginning the convoy Tang Seng's Buddhist paradise of Sun Wukong to take through of time, pass by west cow He the time of continent five Chuang views arouse of the dispute, but dollar in the town magic trick that son just used the universe in a Xiu at that time woulds be to surrender at that time haughty air Sun Wukong.
Just let what people have never thought is a dollar son in town at that time why will make a bet with Sun Wukong, and the end still knotted with Sun Wukong for the sake of the brothers.The wanting to know Sun Wukong is the younger generation of dollar in the town son, by so doing dollar son in town be not from decline an identity?This is the owner don't understand of affair, even Sun Wukong is also not understand by himself/herself.
In fact this not difficult comprehension, from the dollar son in town ever since that time was born hereafter would be to concentrate self-discipline, never participate in any point of dispute, woulding be can see a some clues.The dollar son in town concentrates self-discipline, don't participate in any conflict, that nature for avoiding a disaster, make oneself can't have what troublesome, can have peace of mind self-discipline, attain the state of world sage.
But ever since that time after sealing the war of absolute being, released to teach a great interest, way door decline, although because Lao Tze turned the beard as Buddha, it let such as came to build up Hinayana, weaken release the spirit luck for teaching, releases to teach prosperous vehemence don't decline, more have a shareholder enter of power head, but this just has Tang Seng Xi the history for visiting, will release to teach from the west the cow He the continent spread east to win absolute being state.
Release to teach to annoy a luck of gradually prosperous, and Sun Wukong with release to teach quasi- lift, lead the way and female Wa the empress' relation, the dollar son in town does the and Sun Wukong becomes sworn of affair be not what elusive affair, always carry out to wise about personal survival of dollar son in town this with one action moves obviously for trying to please three world sages, for oneself keep neutral won Fa code.
And Sun Wukong is also understand the dollar son in town become sworn with him the implicit reason, know oneself in spite of is all of a position or powers are to can not compare with dollar son in town, becomes sworn with dollar son in town completely because the town dollar son sees at quasi- lift, lead the way and female the Wa is empress' these three faces of sages, otherwise he isn't sufficient.
However the town dollar son pours is also true to consider as Sun Wukong is to become sworn brothers to treat, this is to make Sun Wukong very believe to the dollar son in town, but again because the dollar son in town is that difficult to know power, the other people maybe not can advise Sun Wukong, but the dollar son in town is to can be light loose of Sun Wukong system.
But Sun Wukong of so and the dollar son in town come to Pan peach grand occasion together, then because that is in the mountain of Kun Lun drive South Pole after fairy Weng obstructed, Sun Wukong woulded be five Chuang views to tell a bitterness to the dollar son in town,dr dre beats, but this tells a bitterness to would be in five Chuang views stay 200 years, until the forehead parties person sends formal invitation after, they is two just come to forehead together.
The dollar son in town listenned to South Pole fairy Weng's words ordered to nod, didn't realize, but saw vision to bore jade.
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Chapter 374 precious jade pond fairyland
At the beginning Sun Wukong drive South Pole fairy Weng obstruct, didn't can cut bore jade to kill, the anger in heart doesn't already hate, and because the mountain of Kun Lun has a dollar to start for a sky, the existence of this world sage, Sun Wukong doesn't dare as well rashly, hence then want that working properly mountain to seek his teacher to the west is quasi- to lift to make decision for him, just walk half of time, turn to read a to think again is cancel this mind.
Don't say quasi- lift a meeting can't be successful in career for him, even if is can make Sun Wukong see to arrive is all problem, after all at the beginning quasi- lifted to learn 72 to change at Sun Wukong and somersault cloud these magical power after once said to Sun Wukong, forbid Sun Wukong brings up in the outsider in front, can't even see Sun Wukong, so Sun Wukong's being to want to seek to be quasi- to lift all is to have no way.
It was depressed to would be to arrive at ten thousand life mountains five Chuang views under Sun Wukong in the heart, will speak out to the dollar son in town with war of bore jade.The dollar son in town nature is that listen to Sun Wukong loquacious over there, but is to the slightest don't give Sun Wukong successful in career meaning and just stayed Sun Wukong to accompany him to drink over there, and talked through theory way, was in the past all of a sudden for 200 years.
Although the town dollar son can't give Sun Wukong successful in career, however for bore jade this can escape in Sun Wukong's under charge and get the person whom the Kun Lun mountain Chan teaches asylum again, is still very interested in.Looking at a station now at South Pole fairy Weng after death of the bore jade is naturally to hard conjecture and seemed and see through the bore jade similar.
The process of war that heard there from Sun Wukong, the dollar son nature in town is to know that the bore jade is the blood of sorcery clan, and on bore jade, the dollar son in town is to really feel the breathing of big sorcery, so more certain the bore jade is a sorcery clan blood, just the bore jade such a sorcery clan blood incredibly dare be so above board of come to forehead, this pouring was a like nothing on earth affair.
From time immemorial, forehead first from demon clan foundation, but sorcery clan and demon the clan stand opposite, nature is can not get into forehead.And then came to forehead to fall in the hand of Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor was the method aim that promulgated to completely want to destroy completely a sorcery clan again, the nature can't let the sorcery clan get into forehead more.Certainly, big sorcery Xing sky at the beginning the single-handed kill heroic act nature like this in the God court is don't calculate at inside.
Only now bore jade but is to like this and openly defiant actly come to forehead, but is make the dollar son in town some curious.Curious aboutly isn't a bore jade certainly why have courage like this, but curious about that the Chan teaches is what mean, obviously and South Pole the fairy jade of Weng Dai Kong's coming to forehead isn't the South pole fairy Weng from made the decision a piece, but got a dollar to start for a sky, the method aim of , but this made the dollar son in town very curious, the bore jade exactly had what geezer the place is incredibly to let the dollar start for a sky, did one affair like this.
Each affair done by world sage is have very and profound meaning, although is not likely to will suggest at that time, probably at 1,100 years, would being few ten thousand yearses later would show come out, so the dollar starts for a sky, lets South Pole the fairy jade of Weng Dai Kong come to forehead and expressed bore jade back have Chan to teach support, this the nature explained a problem.
Although the dollar son in town superficially just looking at bore jade, but in mind is reckoning bore of jade of past and future, want to see the extraordinary place of bore jade, just let dollar son heart in town in surprise of is he basically reckons not to come out and always gets the appearance of misty one, while he knows this must be that the dollar start for a sky, covers up the secrets of heaven for bore jade, otherwise with his real strenght is not likely to could not reckon bore jade of past and future.
Was in mind to scold a dollar to start for a sky, after, an old fox's dollar son in town would is to turn round to take Sun Wukong and a few of his pupils facing south to walk inside door in the sky to, and although Sun Wukong doesn't wish in the heart,also has no another way, can be hate of see one eye South Pole fairy Weng and bore jade, would be to follow dollar sub- facing in town in walk to.
South Pole fairy Weng salute to the dollar son in town to he or she, while the town dollar son didn't realize his/her own affair is also don't get angry, remained is beaming with smiles on the face, then was taking bore jade facing south walk inside door in the sky to, and four major sky of king see South Pole fairy Weng get bore jade, is also don't dare to have to obstruct, put bore jade to go in.
After bore jade and Sun Wukong that fought, the fame of the bore jade got about the whole day boundary, certainly, the bore jade grew is what appearance also early already be not what secret, so the nature of four major sky of king is to know what person bore jade is, only and first, the bore jade is the malicious person who can fight and escape with Sun Wukong, second, have South Pole fairy Weng gets, even if is lend° a few courages they, he doesn't dare to obstruct bore jade as well.
The bore jade nature is to don't know four major sky of viewpoint in Wang Xin, just heel at South Pole fairy Weng's behind facing the south walk inside door in the sky to, but enter south door in the sky after see of then one vast of the space of pole, but at this space in, then have a cloud set of, cloud set on then hold a palace of.
The palaces of that all stand erect in cloud on the stage and float but ripple along with the top and bottom of cloud set, however is to all always fix in a place, have never flaunted to go to another place.Cloud set greatly was small, palace the nature greatly was small, here would be forehead, live sky many absolute being, and Jade Emperor and goddess the Queen Mother.
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