
dr dre beats use such words to

A mulatto ,while Deng Qian is a biracial Deng only ,and then Shao Feng remembered the word thunder .relationresultWe do not have ability, but this ability is half alien ,and her powers are too weak ,only up to B level ! This is the thunder had words ,but Shao Feng didn ask what is called half an alien ,but now at the Deng Qian Shao Feng said ,see ,this half an interracial mean Deng Qian the half-breed .
.. ... , relationresultHa ha ha ha !Whiteface ,lost it !I personally look today to shout ! Death of a finger with the pale Shao Feng !relationresultToo hard ,I can plant ! Shao Feng simply ,his forces to be uprooted Deng ,if Deng Qian is an ordinary human being, so will compromise ,but if Deng Qian is an ability, that their rights even uprooted Deng ,Deng Qian will also listen to death from the command .
relationresultDeath,in the power sector ,death is a living God ,although the death appears rarely ,in every ability in mind, death is all powerful ,are they worship the gods ,so that no matter what Shao Feng pressure ,finally all must lose to death !relationresultThatnot fair .
Shao Feng knew that he was murdered ,but he thought for a while ,all this wager prior to death are not known ,but this time lost is entirely their own destiny as death ... ... , relationresultDon playing rogue ,I say ,even if the goods are lost today ,also must give me call ! Death sentence again let people shocked ,thunder is who ?relationresultGuan Leimingcalled the funk on this planet have ?But today they really see such a man ,and this man was in front of Shao Feng shouted ,and Shao Feng did not show the slightest anger !The Ming Dynasty ?The Ming Shao Feng heart is the default death can be so called thunder .
Think of here ,many people understand one thing ,that is the man I even than Shao Feng ,at least with the thunder a level figure ,and such a person even Deng Yang did not know who is !relationresultChapter 234Th the world second .
relationresultChapter 234Ththe world second .relationresultChange a method ... ... All right ,Shao Feng ,that the peak !He began to regret why so vicious !Originally thought that he mastered everything ,but didn death is the biggest winner, equal to their own to sell .
... ... !I can the north that more stimulus method ! Death put an arm around the first ,then the mouth with a cigarette ,Deng Qian is very clever to mind God point on the fire .
relationresultDon !Be careful I a life-and-death struggle ! Shao Feng the menace not scary at all .At least death bird no bird him so much ! Good !You do have guts. Shao Feng was defeated ,Shao Feng recognized, this time he knew himself famous .
But this is not the famous Dragon army ,but after tonight, I the whole city of Beijing will be shocked ! Go look ,I your performance !Even if I have to admire ,your head is how the thought of such a hegemonic strategy !Ha ha ha ha .
.. ... Death smiles everyone crazy ,they all felt like a dream, don say Shao Feng tonight really going to do that ?relationresultThey find it hard to believe,but to have a look on Shao Feng and the state ,people finally accepted it ! Toy boy ,you want to become famous ! Liu Jing went to Shao Feng side ,very poor at Shao Feng ,then plopped into laughter .
Accept ,I Shao Feng is not to lose ! Shao Feng now only use such words to comfort her, of course ,if you can, Shao Feng will say . Come on man ,I the earth people are waiting ,we hurry to go ! Death to Shao Feng ,but Shao Feng is the help look at Ouyang ,he know ,if can someone let death changed his mind and it ,is also a master !relationresultDondeath usually giggly, in fact from the apprentice that day Ouyang knew ,death is in fact a considerable honour the teacher and respect his teaching people ,may also because of that Ouyang will accept death .
After all, who do not want to receive a call from your master today ,tomorrow is your man becomes the man land ... ... , relationresultWhile Shao Fenghow ,eyes that Qian and di Yang pi to capture !In fact, more than the two siblings ,there are many old fox level figure also discovered ,and when they followed Shao Feng gaze when, see is holding a snack of Ouyang .
relationresultThey arehard to understand, how is it ,young people is what identity ?He began to direct confrontation with Deng Yang ,but from his state he seems completely secure to rely on ,and later Liu Jing toy boy let people suspect Liu Jing may have big shot, so people subconsciously will Ouyang as a possible is against Liu Jing toy boy .
relationresultBut now it seems,this is all wrong ,Ouyang Yagen is not a toy boy .From Shao Feng the appealing look smart people understand a truth !This guy could be a big BOSS !A hidden behind the scenes did not know the identity of the big BOSS !relationresultWe begin torack one to the Ouyang name ,but no matter how they think ,would be able to think of a word with Europe linked to big men .
In this paper, by Baidu bow with , relationresultFamily name Europeofficial nature of existence ,but the officials had to let Shao Feng help degree ,so it is natural to be rejected .
Let toy boy ,your mother he never wanted to cheat !I tell you ,if you lie, I will now go to the thunder ! Death at Shao Feng he was worried about Ouyang opening ,today he is on Shao Feng show is full of expectation ,if Ouyang Zhen opening ,though he cannot hope to eventually must relented .
relationresultSothe God of death must not give Shao Feng any assistance opportunities ,directly with the thunder seckill Shao Feng ! That You have seed ,I think !Walk ! Shao Feng one stamp, he knows it is a knife ,and coy with a bitch like ,not openly, at least as like a man ! Pure man ! Death gave Shao Feng a thumbs up ,it will dare to do ,is not a degree ,in addition to the world of another man ,Shao Feng is the second man .
.. ... Of course ,Shao Feng is unable to go beyond the first pure menfolk !( you know ... ) Deng Yang ,in this game you can control ,give up, give up I can be as nothing happened ,you little trick I much, but not in my in front of Shao Feng play a little action ,otherwise you will regret it , a word Shao Feng exports, and black face with death Deng Qianzhao with went out .
relationresultBut Liu Jingtook hold of Ouyang and said: hurry up !Hurry up ,toy boy to great performance ,we don have a look almost sorry party ah !The waiter !Bring me a pixel with highest camera !Speed ! Liu Jing worried ,if I don see Shao Feng eat flat .
Estimation of Liu Jing was uncomfortable ... ... .relationresultFor a moment,the waiter will bring a brand of miniature camera ,then Liu Jing .Ouyang and Liu Qihang are told in Shao Feng et al back left the banquet hall !relationresultIn addition toOuyang and others ,even if it is very want to go ,Deng Yang restrained mind that curiosity .
Because Deng Yang is a clever man ,dr dre beats,Shao Feng and these people trouble ,because these people should have with Shao Feng equivalent or even higher status ,and if the silly Baji went to see Shao Feng in the garden state ,I will deal with his Shao Feng !relationresultSo despite the factthat Yang would like to see ,but still kept himself . Related articles:

