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Her hands raised ,flame is burning burning .But her hand is something no, this is the external attack ,damage to her in person .relationresult Die !Ugly reptile ! I saw her hand one brandish, the burning flame ,just think of Duke call .
Speed so fast ,not a little to the response time .In fact, even he can see attack range ,it is impossible to dodge ,he a doctor ,can avoid or resist such attacks .And it is such a short distance ,more is the only hands to be slaughtered .
relationresultIn his panic eyes, flame will hit him on the nose ,strong elements of the energy ,immediately on his body diffusion began his body structure ,corrosion .All of a sudden ,the body will become black .
Thanks to this guy is a rich Lord ,body defense props not in the minority ,which has a very valuable magical defense necklace ,with Archbishop blessed good stuff ,that is just as well ,to keep his little life .
relationresultDragon magic attack is so powerful ,even though Lilith is now the human body ,can not play all the power of the dragon ,otherwise ,even if this guy ,there is another powerful magic props ,but also by firing residue .
relationresultDragon magic ,not human like this, need to listen to the elements of nature ,and then refining into magic ,dragon is much simpler, they can direct the use of the elements of nature energy ,therefore more power is great .
Their breath ,they are the most common attack methods, but the power .Is to achieve the human level seven magic power is above ,and grand Magister this level of power .Of course ,dragon and other more powerful attacks ,power is more serious ,and even can destroy a city ,so this is what they always stand at the gold tower top reasons .
relationresultBe the flame hits later, a man was black, who constantly have to smoke with .While he was in a clean manner of dress ,was a handsome and ,is now into a ball of dust, barbecue as rancid ,from his body hair ,estimate the flesh scorched .
relationresult You !You. !.. He never dreamed of ,always be benefited in every way ,known as the womanizer guy ,there would be such a result ,not only does not have courtesy ,but also by such a fatal blow .
relationresult You !You ! He can the vision, the bad egg is popped ,fell to the ground .relationresult ? ... see such word fight time ,near the female students all screamed .relationresult ? , relationresult Ah ?!He seems to be the grand duke the ah .
Who is this girl ,this affirmation ! In this circumstances ,also caused a near riot students ,all came around ,on the side of it there were many discussions .relationresultAnd most of the guys ,my heart is very happy, but also take pleasure in other people ,this guy ,don how many girl bubble ,natural causes these guys out ,if it is dead even better .
Most of the guys are all take pleasure in other people .relationresultNow ,Li Sigang good came to the scene, just the disturbances in the distance ,he also saw a light ,and the release of energy ,as the riot .
His heart is a little bad feeling .relationresultSo brisk walk up ,pushed his way through the crowd ,but on the ground lay a hapless ,blackened ,apparently by intense energy burning .He was smoking way ,did not know that he has hung up is it right? .
relationresultWhile Lilith is looking at a glance at all ,face does not change ,as in earlier, she just did a not worth mentioning things like ,for example, kill an ant .relationresultTo see so many people surrounded him ,she seems to be unhappy ,if want to so ,these humans were all burned .
relationresultSee such case ,Riri Su so indifferent, he was speechless ,it will know .The riots caused everybody microscopic ,judgement also come soon things ,wait to be caught ,it greatly wrong ,is likely to be in trouble .
In said ,school is not allowed to secretly fight ,against the person ,will be kicked out of college ,Li Si can be do not want to do, be it of not clear ,trouble .relationresultWhen Lilith held up both hands ,want to attack you .
Li Si quickly pushes people ,go up .He won give her the opportunity to launch an attack ,or the evil but more and more big .relationresultIn his face, Li Si hurriedly pulled Lilith ,toward the crowd outside rush .
Suddenly a human catch arm ,Riri Su is like eating flies generally ,feel sick ,just want to get this bold Gang ,but look carefully, to know that this is Li si .So stop her want to attack .
relationresultSo a dangerous man ,just an easy fireball ,put the intermediate magician hurt like this, other people can not so much courage ,dare to stop her to leave early .Then in two the front, spread out a road .
Then Li Si pulled her, threatened to leave the scene .relationresultAnd wait for the discipline committee came to the scene, people have gone ,who is also a natural grip .In the treatment of players called ,put a jinx ,carried to the cathedral where treatment .
relationresultThe Lilith is pulled into the secret place, Li Si looked back and no one would come in ,he breathed a sigh of relief ,he didn the old guy, grab him .Just made him miserable ,if know the Dragon ran so much evil ,will take this responsibility, returned to his body .
Then the whole he fiercely ,moving back in their place ,Li Si can be forecasted, the old man would do .Don a kindly old man looks ,in fact heart is a very .He did not want to ,be he caught .
relationresult What are you doing ,why to attack others !Make trouble . Li Si put the blame on the way .relationresultLilith stared at him, face is not very good, eyes seems to be with a fury .
,what do I care . If she do that is not worth mentioning ,in things ,and there is nothing to play .relationresult Said I, why are you so long to come to me ?Huh? Her eyes are poorly ,tone with pressure .
Is it right? You want to deceive me, and then stole away ? , relationresult How can I slip away ,promise you things ,not even a little less of you . , relationresultLi Lisi hold hands ,cheap beats by dre,eyes staring at Li si .
I hope the fact is you said like this, otherwise ,let you go . She was reminded ,in front of the damned human boy ,his patience has limits .relationresultThis bifurcation ,just got into trouble ,Li Si originally wanted to teach him a lesson .
Had not thought now ,but she learned of it, which in the end is what ah !Li Si a little blue .relationresult If you dare to cheat me ,I will send fire here !You know ,I say . , relationresultWhat is your personality ,what do I know .
Li Si am ,but her fearless way ,can make the way things, it would be fun . You want to burn burn ,I still want to burn . Li Si thought ,Dean the old guy, see college was the dragon fire burned ,towering appearance ,can be what appearance .
relationresult Hum ! Lilith hum, not talking .relationresult Promise you pitaya ,do you .Connaught ! Li Si takes the space ring Aquamarine card ,in the hands of cast cast ,smiled .
This has not earn a lot of gold you, without it, also can not get anything . , relationresultLilith partial head ,bad mood . Hum !The best is what you said like this ,or else make you look good .
Let you taste the dragon power ! , relationresultThe body of the 108th chapterto the Baron , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-2-28 1:57:20 chapter number :2687 , relationresultBe burnt Related articles:

