
Beats by Dr Dre Pro wasbusy gray vest

Through the arm ,exclaimed .relationresultTo know theQin Qin Tong entered before is a thief ,not only the quality reached the gang Wu exit peak realm ,may enter the innate realm ,he is better at his victory .
relationresultAndrew scruples of Qin ,in part because Qin Houde this innate strong play ,on the other hand, because of the Qin a law master .relationresultQin Tianzong didnjust decorated a magic matrix can be seen, is caused by the grandfather and Qin house keeper shock .
relationresultQin Tianzong wasbusy gray ,vest was soaked with sweat to ,no special medicine containers ,he can only take home ready kitchenware do it, it is undoubtedly a great challenge .
relationresultLook at thesmall pot slowly becomes sticky green liquid ,Qin vertical-day frowned ,quickly from the adjacent kraakporselein bowl in a handful of bright red powder into the pot, that he would crush the flame vine powder .
relationresultQin Tianzong isconfigured by order pharmacy ,this was his breakthrough in medicine imperial state research out of a new formula .relationresultOrder increasingagent with a high chance of promotion warrior culture realm ,but also in the realm of ascension ,such as force Wu exit warrior taking order increasing agent ,there may be promoted to the exit within the realm ,rather than from the force Wu exit for advancement to the exit of culture force order become so simple .
relationresultButthe same person may continue taking three order increasing agent ,that is to say force Wu exit warrior can through the use of three order increasing agent for blood throughout the state of Wu of advanced .
relationresultQin Tianzong developedthis formula ,found the formula for him is weak ,because of increasing order pharmacy only to never take medicine effective, taking order increasing agent before taking any other medicine ,taking order increasing agent will not have effect .
relationresultQin Tianzong wasalready is innate strong, before taking a myriad of medicament ,Zeng Ling pharmaceutical nature had no effect on him .relationresultJustnow Qin Tianzong, order increasing agent but is akin to a timely rain Qin palace ,a very limited resources, Qin days if the identity is not family recognition ,and natural channels blocked ,the Qin government natural resource waste not the panacea in his body, so the Qin days if seventeen years is never not taking any medicine .
relationresultHalf an hour later,Qin Tianzong watched the pot became red liquid height ,his nerves taut ,eyes leaves reveal a tense look .relationresultAftera long refining ,pharmacy has no order increasing original stinking smell ,it releases a seductive fragrance ,color is bright and vivid ,nor to 1/10 of the original amount .
relationresultWith great careto order increasing agent for kraakporselein bowl filled up ,took a deep breath ,Qin days if end up increasing order pharmacy ,breath into his stomach ,and then immediately sit up to his bed ,began to exercise the digestion and absorption of medicament adding order .
relationresultInthe bed quietly sitting after ten minutes ,Qin Tianzong felt his lower abdomen to rise a lot ,this warm water accumulating ,temperature is also more and more high ,to finally turned into a hot fire ,but the fire is in gaseous form ,and the outer ring fire off a deep purple light ,put the Buddha to be burned everything .
relationresultIn deep purplefireball form the moment, Qin vertical-day mouth burst have a sound ,he held his own breath ,two arms nature hanging on both sides of the body ,head and neck upright ,eyes closed ,including chest pull back ,relax ,omphaloskepsis moment .
relationresultAnd arms to both sidesand flat ,while the metacarpophalangeal upturned ,until the arms are straight ,ten fingers upward .Then both arms in external rotation ,rotating palm up ,hands slowly up to the top of his head, two palms together ,forced to a stretch .
relationresultThen slowlyalong the front of your body down to the chest is folded type .Then two palms gently to the left horizontal swing ,ideation between hands and gas penetration right Laogong acupoint ,then gently to the right level swing ,ideation between hands and gas penetration left Laogong acupoint .
relationresultIn Qin Tianzongattentive guided ,deep purple fireball in accordance with the normal swallow day will run routes ,slowly inside Qin Tianzong raged over the meridians .relationresultThe reasonis that ,because the ball went, Qin days if body meridians have burst ,put the Buddha was sharp in general ,just after the fireball ,these meridians but began to miraculously healing .
relationresultQin Tianzong wasthe first to take order increasing agent ,he only knew the unusually fierce flame resistant vines ,when taking to withstand great pain ,but he did not think the combination of flame vine and grass after LAN-STAR ,the pain will be amplified by dozens of times more than, almost let him bear .
relationresultQin Tianzongfelt like I jumped into a sea of flames ,the entire body is placed in a fire the barbecue in the nose ,put the Buddha smelled a little meat flavor ,with great pain from the body came, Qin days if consciousness also gradually fell into a confused .
relationresultWe must stay conscious ,otherwise the consequences of unpredictable ! Qin days if biting tongue ,let your consciousness to be awake ,but he now image cannot say terror ,not only the body be besmeared with blood ,is the ears and eyes at out blood .
relationresultTwohours later ,the deep blue flame finally poof off, while Qin Tianzong is out to lie down on the bed .relationresultOn the bedto have a little rest ,Qin vertical-day quickly turn up ,because he felt was sticky ,and give off an unbearable stink ,to touch ,a thick layer of blood eggplant fell below .
relationresultSpenthalf an hour ,Qin Tianzong put his body to clean it again ,then carefully washed over the bedroom ,it was excited to come to the yard .relationresultSilentlyin vivo running over swallow day will power ,Qin days if suddenly burst for a sound ,not far from a distance to detonation to boulder .
relationresultAmilky white enough from Qin Tianzong mouth spray ,the interior of the body is a noise like thunder .relationresultExhale filamentation ,Fu-organs thunder ,finally become Wu exit warrior .
To feel the body increased strength ,Qin Tianzong with a smile on his face .relationresultThe fifth chapter the dragon is cool , relationresultThanks for the goodlove my baby rewards support ,I also love my baby , , relationresult.
..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... , relationresultQin Tianzongis surprised to find ,taking order increasing agent ,himself not only the quality state of Wu territory from force to the exit within ,and remained at the first level of the swallow day will also faintly has signs of a breakthrough .
.relationresultQin Tianzongpracticed this day will never swallow is an incomplete where goods movement ,first Qin days if is to see this gate method name atmosphere to pick ,suffered a lot at .
relationresultIn factpractice of nearly ten years of swallowing day will ,he found this method can keep fit in vitro ,did not find the door to help other benefits ,also have been unable to break through the endocytic day must first level .
relationresultWu Lingmainland will you power level ,from high to low is where goods ,products ,goods ,mysterious spirit San goods and refreshment ,and each product ,and at the beginning of ,in ,high order !relationresultCultivationof law ,also decided the future achievement level key ,the same level of strong, if you exercise compared to many other senior grade ,then in a competition when, a variety of advantages, a touch not only know ,cheap beats by dre.
relationresultButsenior practicing techniques man is hard to find, circulating in the ordinary class exercises, is at best a mysterious product method, some strong family or small sects ,should have the spirit of order cultivation method ,such as Qin Tianzong family had a spirit of goods for exercises was hung will ,this is the spirit of metal products method ,extremely precious .
relationresultWhere goods ?It is a joke ! Think of Wu Ling continent the warrior to swallow day will help to evaluate ,Qin Tianzong face a curious smile ,relationresultQindays if lives Related articles:

