
Beats By Dr Dre Studio is to don't know hi

Food is called bean curd."
Chen Jue blinked to wink, that white livingsed thin soft and tender bean curd to still put over there and lost to say with smile:"Do not I how can know that this calls bean curd?Don't I how can know?"
Made reference to my Chen Jue to grind to a stop for a while, asked way to the brocade book:"Is this bean curd what Liu Ling Weng's lord delivers?"
The brocade book shakes head a way:"Ling Weng Zhu delivers of just do the secret recipe of bean curd, Jiao Weng Zhu hands over to the cook in the mansion that secret recipe to just do out."
"Is so many we did kitchen in the mansion still have many bean curds?"Chen Jue Xin in on moving, say with smile:"Brocade book, you this bean curd take return to kitchen to go, they slice some living a spring onion to mix into in go, record, the spring onion doesn't want to put too manily, after working well again to I take back."
The brocade book is wrinkly wrinkly nose, way:"Childe not is joke of?"Living spring onion and bean curd to mix together, is that how can delicious?
Chen Jue touched touch a nose way:"You go to and listen to my right."
Have in the brocade book heart some disagree, but also not is well again say more to Chen Jue what, have to take bean curd to outwardly walk to, when she just walked to doorway Chen Jue called again she:"After similar way works well also send over 1 for the parents and elder sister Xiongs."
Led for a while, Chen Jue selfishly ate for a time with satisfied half, the brocade book took a facial expression with surprised look back.
Lightly prosperous the small spring onion mix the jar of bean curd to put before Chen Jue Shen, brocade book way:"Childe how can anyone know does the bean curd eat so?"
Chen Jue smells speech on smiling, way:"I know naturally."
The brocade book sits on the part and holds the chin way:"Want me to say, today Ling Weng Zhu come of time, should make the cook do some bean curds to send to make her taste like this."
Chen Jue Yi Zheng stops a Zhu way:"Does Liu Ling want?"

Is the second to acquaint with at the beginning of the youth Lang in Kyoto chapter 25
Renew time:2009-9-1613:35:20 chapter word numbers:3380

The brocade book point nods, way:"Just Jiao Weng Zhu nearby of Qi Luo tell mine.Last time Ling Weng Zhu came to send square son of time, hall Yi Hou your home the bottom didn't have a person know bean curd is what things, this time should turn over to let Jiao definite view Weng know for a while originally the bean curd can also eat so."
Chen Jue smells speech helpless tunnel:"Girls, don't all day long'eat bean curd'a few words hang by the side of the mouth."
"Why?"Brocade book surprised way, " eats bean curd how?"
The Chen Jue momentary language fills, lightly coughed 1 and transfered a topic way:"Eating the way of bean curd is many, make soup to fry all can, this is just the most simple kind."
"That does so much."Brocade book way, " childe if like to eat bean curd, I tell kitchen to think that some ways do out these bean curds there and more."
Ate a few small spring onions to mix bean curd again, Chen Jue felt about satisfied and then started to leave seat to in brief do some sport to eliminate a food.He simultaneously looking at brocade the book lead a maid favour to the favour go, simultaneously in mind deliberate:Liu Ling comes to hall Yi Hou mansion to get so efficient, exactly is what purpose?
Take this question to arrive at field in the school, Chen Jue started necessarily do every day of shoot arrow homework-the last few years Chen Jue strictly ask oneself to shoot 500 full arrowses every day, 12-year-old at present he because often the year toughens of reason, the head and usually 56-year-old person differs not that many, can already easily open two crossbows, Chen Jue prepares favour over then change into the bow of two stone halfs recently, one step one step challenge own extreme limit.
New moon, take aim at, Chen Jue in earnest practices and concentrates on in lookinging at a target for archery and gradually forgot the matter out of the body, a projection goes.For a long time after, project in the middle of the arrows pot Chen Jue Zhou of the last arrows knit the brows ……he is busy recently the feet don't cover, the technical skill in the hand's pouring is a draw down, the quasi- head that shoots arrow at present compares with and always declines badly and sees to ride and shoot and together and indeed as expected have no Zong remarkable talent in sky, can lean against day after day of the bitterness do to maintain level.
Once connect the family servant passes over here of hand towel wipe sweat, Chen Jue arrived the shadow Xie of the underneath of building Yan a short moment, just picked up to early have good clear water to quaff in one gulp.
A woman that wears a maid to take a color is small the body walking into before Chen Jue Shen Gong call a way, Chen Jue saw her one eye and depended on sparse remember is Jiao nearby of one of the maid, then"H'm" a , and then ask:"What matter?"
That maid respectfullly and sincerely tunnel:"Weng Zhu says to hope the childe passes by 1 and see Huai southern Wang Jia's Ling Weng Zhu."
"BE does the elder sister want what I go?"Chen Jue picks eyebrow to ask a way, the Jiao is to don't know his this day busy must not go,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, how can and without cause make him see a various Hou Wang Jia's Weng Zhu.
"BE.Ling Weng Zhu says to want to experience for a while ……knowledge for a while hall Yi Hou four childes of the mansion exactly is what kind of person, Weng Zhu then wanted maidservant to invite a childe."
Hall the Yi Hou mansion grounds.
Chen the opposite of the Jiao sit upright a woman with stylish clothes, she has a liking for Ji in last year not big, good than Jiao still small top the how old appearance is exactly a Huai south Wang Weng Zhu, Liu Ling, , this Ling Weng Zhu the Jiao smile together at this time the Jiao discuss matching of some clothes hair dressing together, is a very pleased appearance.
The doorway walks into a maid at this time, is exactly just drive the Jiao send to look for Chen Jue of that, her air peculiarly kneels at Jiao body side not distance, hesitate a way:"Childe says that he still has important business, half of two-hour period just can draw out time after."
"Is half of two-hour period?" The Jiao doesn't discover this maid's air having not to, the Cu wears an eyebrow way:"Luo of the Qi, younger brother still at outside favour?"She knows that Chen Jue all had no spare time to take a rest for time from yesterday to todays and came by the body that worried since him.
Qi Luo smells speech, tiny title, desire speech again of appearance, the Jiao don't bear a way:"Say."
Luo of the Qi this lowers the head a way:"The childe isn't in the outside, only is return to go to in himself building."
The whole atmosphere in the house became delicate to get up after finishing saying the last word along with Luo of Qi, Liu Ling was about to take a hand of gold Zan also and embarrassedly stopped in the sky.
The end still Liu Ling responds most quickly and not to wear trace ground take back oneself and put at the outside of hand, say with smile:"Think are these days to write for the Jiao elder sister's business being tired, just returning to Xie to four childes of."Liu Ling Zui ascends although say so, in the heart but think a way:Wang Shuo this four childes of Chen of father are reasonable and easy to get along with, how is the temperament unexpectedly so eccentric?
The Jiao corner of mouth hang up is infinite since one Be approached to have no of radian, a little bit helpless tunnel:"Think necessarily is so, his this person be so, a favour gets up the breeze breeze fire fire of, must finish doing all affairs just be willing to give up."
Liu Ling smells speech and attaches with several, just smile to take the topic to another place, not much room in again noisy, the joke is continuously.
Imperceptibly half of two-hour period pass by, Qi Luo is from the outside walk to come in light tone way:"Weng Zhu, do four childes came, at present are waiting in the outside."
The Jiao listenned to the Qi Luo's words, many on the beautiful face on putting on an embarrassed color, the in the mind also secretly blames and scolds this younger brother:Since neglect a guest to neglect throughout, really half of two-hour period behind just appear to be regarded as what?
Words though say so, Chen Jue after all is the younger brother of Jiao, she always can not looking at younger brother's one personal etc. unconcerned in the outside, have to slightly take apology ground to looking at Liu Ling, hope what she can say.
The Liu Ling nature isn't that kind of the galoot who does the matter of injure people without benefit to oneself, she almost didn't cost the time short cut of one silk thinking:"Cent when now was a noon, outside hot must very, Jiao elder sister still not hurry four childes call come in?"
The Jiao point nod, send Qi Luo go out just way:"The Ling son is really the female kid of ice snow cleverness, don't know future where is the sons of house lucky to marry you."
Man the men and women greatly defend and not as strict as future generations, the relation of the men and women's is also opposite freedom, Liu Ling be although Weng Zhu since childhood then had servant strictly tube teach, at treat a marry problem Related articles:

