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Get she ground support.Compare what all important.Chen Wan Rong is also happy.Way:"I knew.Wu Bo.How?Don't you want to listen to my ground words?"
Wu Bo knows a Chen Wan Rong person to like.Have been listenning to Chen Wan Rong ground words very much.But this matter is too astonishing.Wu Bo doesn't risk danger all don't go.Hesitate a burst of way:"Landlord.This matter still reports clear emperor's ground good."
Report clear Rui to believe in now.Rui's believing in at most sermon Cui is 1.Still be unlikely to endanger his ground officer.Once this matter is past.The Cui by all means wants to make reprisals crazily.Chen Wan Rong loses more than gain.Make a color way on the face:"Wu Bo,Beats By Dr Dre Studio.I ask you one more.Do still don't do?"
Wu Bo thoroughly had no Zhe.Still lately ask for help to the cow.The cow still lately wanted to think.Blunt Han head of Wu Bo Yi:"Zhao Bo.You go with Wu Bo.Much the lane is ordered!"
The cow is still new all of them are a Rui to believe in a nearby old person.From become integral whole, meet difficult place, toward the cow still lately ask for help very as usual.But, Wu Bo ten thousand ten thousand surprisingly cows still new residence however agree, all is eyes to stare eldest brother, shocked thousand times conjecture a cow still new, imitate a Buddha incognizant.
"Go quickly!"The cow still lately presses 1.
Wu Bo and Zhao Bos are getting more helpless, have to make big muck.Again the Chen glory walks to nearby, Chen Wan Rong asks a way:"Elder brother, do you really want to sprinkle big muck for him?"
The Chen glory late didn't talk and just ordered.Chen again the glory originally want to persuade and suddenly want to understand, blunt Chen Wan Rong a say with smile:"Elder brother, in addition to sprinkling big muck, should also again exactly he."
Chen Wan Rong doesn't talk, dynasty elder brother comfortable Han and Yang Si Xu 2 people see go, 2 people are blunt he slightly on noding, the idea shows to praise.2 people see a matter clearly quick, have already understood Chen Wan Rong's intention, are this idea in them, Chen Wan Rong from the in the mind admires.
The elder brother comfortable Han goes Xia battle righteousness and line up a sorrow solution difficult, is a despise very much to conduct and actions of the Cui.However, due to he is imperial government ground prime minister, is also take him can't, cans make is some pain isn't not Yang of business, if the words that can pull down Cui are so Chang-an little on harming, and why should not be happy to do it?
Yang Si Xu is utterly loyal to Li Long Ji, want to consider for Li Long Ji naturally.If can pull down Cui, to Li Long Ji there is advantage greatly.If there are the words of opportunity, Li Long Ji takes advantage of an opportunity the confident of finding job for oneself to take over Cui, that too wonderful.Certainly, whether this one step can go, not so good say.At least, took Cui away to do first.
With, Yang Si Xu and elder brother comfortable Han not only don't obstruct Chen Wan Rong, also at want how for Chen Wan Rong carry on this matter throughout.
To their abacuses, Chen Wan Rong can also guess 12.Chen Wan Rong is a there can be no returnning back now, have to deliver.Can get their helps certainly, that is had better.
Take charge of Ma Cheng Zhen to see comfortable Han 3 people's action of Chen Wan Rong and Yang Si Xu, elder brother in the eye and ask for to have Wu, don't obstruct as well and can be attended to needs by they.
Not and in a short while, Wu Bo and Zhao Bos turn round, 2 people lift to a pail of ozone and fume the big muck of the sky and go toward and urge in front an and put.The Cui gives smoked muddle-headed change direction, hold a nose to drink a way:"Lift to open quickly, lift to open quickly!You unexpectedly dare to this mutually disrespect!"
All arriving by this time is putting a table, let people have nothing to say.
Chen Wan Rong's sleeves is one Le, looking at Cui, cold cold a smile:"Old tortoise, does Lao Tze see your ability obstinate to arrive when?"
Will sprinkle big muck for Cui, the cow still lately comes over to pull, way:"Landlord.Lend an one step to talk."
Just didn't obstruct, incredibly obstruct now, Chen Wan Rong greatly was oddness, saw him one face of earnest, want to say words, have to follow him a part:"What matter do you have?Say quickly."
Cow still lately and every where inside a hope.See the heel of no one, this just depresses an orotund way:"Landlord, this matter not Lao you begin, Wu Bo and Zhao Bo begins and then became."
Chen Wan Rong wants to don't also think and shook head a way:"Do not go!This matter but want to denounce and punish of, once the imperial government blames down and lets Wu Bo and Zhao Bo suffers mental agony, I heart He An?Or myself come, the imperial government denounces and punishes.I carried on the shoulder be."
The cow still new thumb is one Shu, great way:"Landlord, you What a good person!Landlord.You can wear to think thus for Wu Bo, I am to appreciate you very much.The emperor at the beginning give°s the Qian Di you, be want to us and seek well whereabouts, emperor What a taste!"Chen Wan Rong a say with smile:"This is what I should do, you don't want to record in the mind."
Cow still lately and immediately after way:"Landlord, you for liking us, we record in mind, we which can make you suffer mental agony?If this Cui once escaped this time, by all means will be disadvantageous to landlord.We also follow unlucky, so, I want still pull down his like."
The persons all have their own small abacuses, this is very normal.
The Chen glory late nods a way:"Your viewpoint, I am clear.However, this matter can not bring trouble you, otherwise I let an emperor down."Rui's believing in to make the cow handing over to Chen Wan Rong is still new they, be make the glory take good care of them, if therefore offend.Chen Wan Rong also feels very much obliged.
The cow still lately shakes head a way:"Landlord, this you hadn't to know and let Wu Bo and Zhao Bo came to do this matter, again suitable however.Wu Bo and Zhao Bo, past but serve a virtuous imperial concubine of, don't say to sprinkle to order big muck, is the earth matter again, the emperor can't denounces and punish, either."
The virtuous imperial concubine is a virtuous Dou imperial concubine, Li Long Ji's natural mother.The cow still lately mentions a virtuous imperial concubine.Because this concerns a palace Mi Xin, a Chinese family name.The Rui believes in for the first time after abdicating, is still to be placed in political whirlpool in.He wise about personal survival, don't ask domestic affairs.Just, the person has any moment disaster blessing, who again anticipate to get?
Wu Ze Tian spoils female slave girl Wei regiment son of letter ground to have a liking for Rui to believe in and wants to take place with him personal relations, the Rui believes in the then politics of deep Xiao too complicated, refused Wei regiment son.Wei regiment son consequently keep in mind hate in the heart, want to make reprisals Rui to believe in.Certainly, the Wei regiment son also knows, Rui's believing in is force then the close son in sky, Wu Ze Tian is after killing Li Xian, although swept away the political obstacle of calling the emperor, the in the mind is also suffered, after all is a close son.To make Wu Ze Tian kill Rui to believe in the difficulty is a lot too big.
The Wei regiment son also has calculations, can not deal with Rui to believe in and comes right away to deal with his ground imperial concubine.The Wei regiment son believes in in the Rui of Liu Fei and Dou virtuous imperial concubine's abode covered up a puppet and lodged complaint them to go the Shu of sorcery and curse Wu Ze Tian.The nature of Wu Ze Tian is to believe, at longevity two years(693 years) the January second, Liu Fei and Dou virtuous imperial concubine enter the temple has an audience with Wu Ze's weather, give Wu Ze Tian the secret sentence to death.
This matter sees not get light, Wu Ze Tian also knows indefensible and send a person chase two imperial concubines' corpse body secret inhumations, two imperial concubines' corpses actually and where, unmanned understand up to now, become fan case.The Rui believes in at that time circumstances difficulties, didn't also interfere with and set up for before person as if nothing has occurred, secretly but is an absolute being wound.Rui religion again after mounting the throne, also can carry on a Zhao soul to bury to two imperial concubines.
Certainly, affair's arriving this hasn't finished.Afterwards someone lodges complaint a virtuous imperial concubine of Dou ground the mother plan lawless acts, be judged death penalty, almost threw life.Huge surname of so can live a life, is slowly what imperial censor has a great achievement to appear publicly to wash and brush for her.The huge surname is to be getting more innocent, just slowly have a great achievement but give to plus"the party is bad negative" ground criminal charges, almost give put to death by hanging.Is end although don't need dead,also gave to dismiss.
This matter, became Rui to believe in heart in forever painful!
Liu Fei and Dou virtuous imperial concubine of, the Rui religion thinks greatly of a Dou virtuous imperial concubine more and certainly has a relation with Li Long Ji.Is exactly Li Long Ji coup success, just push a Rui religion again is up the emperor, the Rui believes in to save to appreciate to Li Long Ji's heart and love a house under, Be many to remember fondly for several cents to the virtuous imperial concubine of Dou.
Wu Bo and Zhao Bos once served a virtuous imperial concubine of Dou and believed in in the Rui and Li Long Ji's heart in, the nature is doubly warm, in mind be married a person.Is exactly also as it does, Rui religion the disposition that look into Chen Wan Rong is quite good, just gave Chen Wan Rong the Qian Di, for the ground is to want to make Chen Wan Rong help the son old person this to look after like.
Certainly, the Rui believes in and Li Long Ji can also look after these old persons, however make Chen Wan Rong come to look after, requite Helping of Chen Wan Rong's boon, and entrusted an old person, profit both parties, and why should not be happy to do it?
Had this to relate to, Wu Bo and Zhao Bo didn't want to say to sprinkle big muck for Cui, was again seriously some.The Rui believes in to can't blame, either, at most doesn't not is a pain rebuking of Yang is a just.
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