
dr dre beats ltZhao Mangdao in

Zhang Jundao: soup ,want to know people ,reverse without impermanence .Shaoxing thirty-one years is about infringement Fan Jin my song .How can we in the Jin and ? , relationresultThinkingback soup : Mr.
Zhang war between the two countries ,it isns play ,who can guarantee that my song to win .But the defeat ,consequences can be unbearable to contemplate ! , relationresultZhang Jundao: people without faith ,chop and change .
Who can guarantee the is not in breach of contract, to attack our song ,dr dre beats.Instead of Jinbing came, as we take the initiative ,advanced to attack them . , relationresultThinkingback now :soup .
Mr. Zhang ,now people managed to recuperate and build up strength ,live and work in peace .You have the heart to let them be spat ,the sword the bitter ? , relationresultZhang Junangrily : then the soup you ,you have thought that was the place of the people ,they do not suffer an Jin period pressure ,the one hope my song division of the king soon recaptured north ,central plains .
Faced with these people ,you will be their soup in where ? , relationresultSeeingtwo people more and more intense, almost quarrelled .Zhao Mangdao : two love ,beats dr dre,do not contend for .Bin Fu ,you see what to do ? , relationresultBin Fu is Yu Yunwen word .
See Zhao asked ,Yu Yun-wen said: thirty-one years of Shaoxing Caishi rock battle is still the default priority ,Jin to now ,ask me song recovery old coins ,it never .Otherwise has no face to the great song people ,also I am sorry Song Dynasties the late emperor .
, relationresultZhao: it stands to reason. I bin Fu ,which song whether should immediately period of the Northern Expedition ? , relationresultYuYun-wen replied: can .The soldiers ,but the country event ,not rashly .
Otherwise it will reproduce the Emperor Taizong of sorghum River defeat .Play in my song long battle, the soldiers are long and parade .It carved zero ,and the war, is not time .
, relationresultZhaosaid: if the bin meaning ,and not ,battle and war . , relationresultYuYun-wen said: I thought ,I still should rectify the military song ,training his troops, waiting for the time .
, relationresultZhang Jundao:Excuse me . ,until when? , relationresultYuYun-wen said: in view, have to wait two or three years before the northern expedition .But in the two or three year, although not to the northern expedition ,but can be sporadic attack, standby and ,attacked Suzhou ,little ,Cai ,etc.
.One can test the strength ,but also can make the soldiers increased combat experience ,in order to enhance the combat effectiveness of my song . , relationresultZhaosaid: bin Fu words, you think how ? , relationresultZhang Jundao: think is very good .
, relationresultYangYi Road : the Ren and opinion, his thought and feasible . , relationresultSoupthinking back : the majesty twice . , relationresultZhaosaid: but what that in bin .
, relationresultThinkback to hear shook his head soup .Zhao also ignored him ,turned and asked Yang Yi Road : Wang Yang ,I let you do how ? , relationresultYangYi Road : million Xiansheng has been to Ling ,but his two brothers also not complete ,this several day is coming .
I want to should wait until they arrived again for good . , relationresultHe nodded: so very good zhao .Although this matter matters, but not to hurry .Up to you to do . , relationresultThissoup ,back : is it right? Xiansheng million ,twelve years in Shaoxing Imperial Palace of the million Xiansheng ? , relationresultYangYi Road : it is .
, relationresultSoup:thinking back snapped waiting for treason and heresy of young adults ,why don put him up crimes ,but also entrusted with the task ? , relationresultZhao Mangdao: in the matter ,I explain to tongan .
That thing is caused by Qin Hui to kill Yue Fei .If not ,they Xiansheng this alarm ,the whole family, old and young Yue Fei would be killed by Qin Hui .I have decided not to pursue the matter .
, relationresultTangSi dechanneling : this mortal sin can so light to pass . , relationresultZhaosaid: I have said no, not in those ,who later also not mentioned again . , relationresultThinkingback back Luigi Nono soup .
When a large prison in : the emperor martial school competition ,battlefield first day to come out, Yongan has won the princess . , relationresultBecause ofher daughter to participate in ,so Zhao eunuch life day war shows up .
relationresultZhaoside through the side : Tongan prince ,your grandson joined the battlefield competition ? , relationresultZhang Jun waslistening to ,can not help : young prince ?Not being the front effect ?Yesterday I kiss him or into the bear Festival Lang ,how to participate in the battle battle ,beats by dre uk? , relationresultYang Yizhong smiled and said: in the courtyard to participate in this competition the grandson called Yang Yan ,is the three child born to chaohui .
In front of a man called Yang Changpeng ,who is the eldest son born to light .He is the first year ( 1163) from Longxing martial school graduation . , relationresultZhao Ye smiled and said: that is to say, with the two grandchildren are my song future Dongliangzhicai ! , relationresultWhen thesoup ,retreat sneer: say, Yang county king of the grandson but greatly famous ah !Ling can know Yang Wang has a good grandson ah ,ha ha ! , relationresultZhang Jun andYu Yunwen have been busy to rectify the affairs of Northern Expedition ,but didn Yang Yan .
Li Xianzhong was called back from the front have northern expedition to discuss things ,not long ,also do not know .Only Han Yan knew full well ,but on this occasion ,he could get a word on the .
To Yang Yizhong ,to Tang Situi words still look unperturbed .relationresultZhao Suiran doesnknow about Yang Yan ,but also to listen to the soup ,back word irony meaning, some unhappy : soup of secretary of state ,what do you mean .
, relationresultThensoup thinking back sneer about Yang Yan adding the trimmings say it again .relationresultZhaolistened to the words of Tang Situi ,rather surprised : Yang Wang ,fruit ,there is the matter ? , relationresultYang Yizhongwas unchanged ,said: the soup words are truth .
, relationresultZhaopuzzled : in this case ,Yang Wang how do you let him do ,or whether to teach . , relationresultYang Yizhong smiledand said: I the son of acting from reason ,veteran has never interfere .
, relationresultTangSi retreat sneer: good one intention ,Yang Wang is read ! , relationresultWhen Li Xianzhongbroke in: Your Majesty ,Yang Yan intended the inconvenience to elaborate from yang .
However ,to be guessed one or two . One look at Yang Yizhong , but I do not know right . , relationresultZhaolistened to Dayton in bigger increase ,said: Li Aiqing ,you should tell us your opinion .
Zhang Jun and Yu Yunwen look at Li Xianzhong ,apparently to hear Li Xianzhong story .relationresultLeeMemorial : even ordinary people ,in such important competition does not dare so absurd ,besides Yang Jun Wang .
I thought Yang Yan was probably intentional weakness in this .Let him were rivals to look down upon him . , relationresultZhaonodded ,said: there ,Bing FA Yun :strong desire to the weak ,weak to strong desire of the .
The move to the good war . , relationresultLeeMemorial : sire of say is .Name of person ,will enable the army to try .This play certainly not real battlefield, nature what is not effective force .
But the truth is ,that a party of soldiers to some ,careful ,winning probability nature would be greater . , relationresultZhaoalso laughed ,and said: love means ,in the competition before, Yang Yan asked the soldiers to have alcoholic drink, is to let the soldiers becomes harder ? , relationresultLeeMemorial : is not so simple ,also must allow soldiers to be most willing to listen to your command .
, relationresultZhaosaid: say ,Yang Yan in the banquet and soldiers with technology on wine ,is to display their own martial arts to the soldiers ,the soldiers convinced ? , relationresultLeeMemorial : and so it is . Related articles:

