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As a large rock stone giant hands, of boxing heavy bombardment in the emerging lizard man between the waist ,fist is not light Sergeant plus rock addition ,only one student will the enemy armour played no small hole ,inside the skin is a scale in .
relationresultUndersuch boxing ,on any person is hard to accept, lizard man clenching ,the gush of blood in the body to swallow ,first time straight at the same time, the Tomahawk is also split and .
relationresultAs ifcut open space attack suddenly to the BOT to shoulder and shoulder ,I crossed the ,Sergeant rock right timely arrived ,a large palm open ,robust fingers firmly seize the hatchet axe blade .
relationresultThe shortbattle since the beginning .This is the second time to seize enemy this axe .relationresultJustpunch didn effect .This allows spar Orc quite satisfied stuffy .Early hear lizard man is quite strong melee race .
( if the original ethnic origin from speaking .They should also be the orcs to relatives .) But also did not think of defense force you to so far: armor was cracked .There was no flesh .
relationresultHowever.It can let the chaos warriors discouraged .With the space .Rock big rises strongly cyclone .relationresultIsborrowed from wind power spar orc .Coupled with its black orcs are superior to arm .
So Sergeant force under torsion .The students gave the enemy axe .relationresultAweapon to bertgang to battle the inserted into a lizard man eyes . It came to Sixinliefei pain .Nord is the lightning sword warrior .
relationresultThefusion and spar .Is mainly for the sergeant had elements to control force .And odd highland magic defense .In the physical defense although have also been a number of bonus .
But the effect is not obvious .relationresultInthe moment of pain ,confusion soldiers suddenly toward the left side ,to avoid the chain blades into the abdominal consequences ,but it is inevitable in the waist by a deep cut ,the wound and on several different ,it comes to many ,that in addition to break down the spar powder ,the wound also shed a light color liquid ,it is changes after blood ,this is the fusion of times their first bleeding ,its severity can think of .
relationresultAs Nordattacked procurable ,heavy armor hammer ax does not sew,cheap dr dre beats, hand hammer comes ,will hit just take his own Tomahawk enemies chest .relationresultWaistpain are not completely disappear ,will be facing a heavy hammer thoracic risk ,his eyes flashed very brutal light ;an orc when the most dangerous ?Angry and hurt when .
On the right hand of gold and white Blazing Sword suddenly appears ,holding the molten iron melt ,Tomahawk ,which the transverse galloping at the enemy away ,like suddenly flashed across the harsh light ,golden white blazing in the square hammer does not reach the chest ,the lizard people changed the ashes .
relationresultPowerfulelemental attacks in those without strong shield in front of the enemy is terrible ,and fire even after the wizards will at least high strength can play .relationresultThefly ash disappears, losing a powerful ally of Nord warrior ,but no , relationresultSorryor sad even doubt not ,that chain blade again ,have been known to attack on the flash element knife soldiers invalid ,BOT rapidly dispersed in the hand to above the white flame ,big gray Huang Guangwang twinkle ,wrapped rock fingers like a set of scabbard had the sharp lightning blade ,strange to say ;the cutting BOT skin like cut grease chain blade ,with far less spar hard rock ,even the slightest is no way .
relationresultLockenemy weapons .The heart of a clear :the flashing knife must be of ,special effect should be and Wu dream similar ;are impeding elements agglomerate .So in the face of the anti high opponents will often have the effect ,it is the normal physical defense on it with considerable restraint .
relationresultTo understand these,BOT where will delay ,he threw a bomb left leg ,the whole body in the air leap up ,while the song played right leg in front of them .Protrusions of the knee as hard weapons ,hard hit in the human chest .
relationresultIt isa blood ejected from the helmet ,as strong as the flashing knife fighting it is a spent force ,after all ;but he had been talking to a dragon-like in battle .relationresultSquirtingblood also disappears, to stand firm .
Big has stuck in his throat ,Juli oppression lost respiratory capacity in humans was high up ,at this point, Talbot has flame melt left on ice ,reply to the great freedom of hand trembles ,is the handle and it frozen together long chain edge out into the hand ,arm strength, was lifted into the air toward the enemy is a beautiful vertical split ,sharp blade in the black orcs arm support, easy Nord even armour planer into halves, fresh blood and guts rolled all over the floor that is ,open bore broken belly .
relationresultThrowaway the broken body ,covered with the blood of BOT body show ,will continue into the towers ,hands that just hard away from flash knife ,dance into the light, the place visited is the stump end Montreal meat .
relationresultThe wall under.relationresultTheinfantry has been reached ,according to the original plan should be the use of general Lou beast climbing them, this time did not advocate ,because ;undead behemoth now and those born to be roughly the same vine hopper ,originally to enter a city the tools can ,let the orcs have more valorous and can only be put in a quandary .
In his senior NCOs ,consideration is it right? Want to go back when the ladder ,Munro camp in the mage group had the action ;enormous fireball like star rises ,and then clean up often long tail ,and crashed into the overgrown with vines on the walls of wellington .
relationresultTheball is hit even, they contact wall moments ,burst into a big flame ,along the whole wall extends to make threatening gestures ,the vine into the wind the torch .relationresultProblem solving,received the order of the infantry quickly began to ascend general Lou beast ,great Wang Ling at this time to become the best ladder ,their hands at the top of the wall ,but the feet to extend backwards to ,whole body into a wall and the bridge .
relationresultGrunthigh-speed in the beast back forward ,even in the moments of their formation is not random ,put down the shield in battle ,his all kinds of heavy weapons emit a sharp light ,give this sunny morning adds a cold .
relationresultThe originallocation of the infantry had been riding wolf army and ray rhinoceros occupy, of course ,beats dr dre,and behind them that different forms of countless monsters and wearing a studded leather controlled animal trainer .
relationresultTo this extent,war has no suspense .relationresultBut,beats by dre uk,even winning the war there is also considerable worth narrative story ,this is also not it charming ?relationresultZhebaimood now can be anxious to describe ,he has seen the ground infantry to enter a city ,logically speaking :bloody orchid should be at this time from the air and help them or to go to the aid of second walls are being enemies to kill a corps .
But the enemy air force did not know how ?They know that there is no chance of winning, but still hold dragon knight on .It is the scattered formation also to gather up .relationresultLikean invisible force calls on them, leading them to .
relationresultZhebaiknow what makes human force in hardcore ,know what makes these already ready to escape enemies courage !Than anything else ,is my enemy :the Pegasus knights .relationresultPegasusowners Related articles:

