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You see, small cloud sleeps of much joss-stick!", Say, I by hand pointed to point dead asleep small girl. "H'm, in elder sister's eyes you still kid, small cloud is like a kid more, the elder sister really likes her, her love to you is very pure and persist very much, and it make people envy!", Worry dream says and dauted my bare breast, and kissed one mouthful my lips. Immediately after, worry dream says again, "baby, the elder sister feels for these several months, you became to more and more have the man the flavor and dealt with affairs more and more well experienced, the elder sister is very excited!We really have never seen wrong you, baby, the elder sister missed you again, you put to come in!", Say, worry dream explored my underneath, grasped a hard baby of my half's soft half, the set made, don't arrive 10, the baby is strong and tough and bulky. I was adjusted by her emotion to move, turned over all of a sudden in her smooth and pure white body, touched touch his peach blossom hole, very wet, I aim at a baby entrance to cave, stooded into all of a sudden.When I want the peach blossom hole to the worry dream to start to assault, small girl horselaugh of call get up,cheap beats by dre, "the poem Xia save me quickly, I well afraid", deeply wear scare in the voice, my high sensual desire fell into a low valley a while, I quickly the baby is from the peach blossom hole of worry dream in took out out, jumped down a bed, drilled into the blanket of the small girl inside, tightly hug the small girl. "Small girl, I at!At you nearby, you were all right, you had evil-foreboding dream!Come to first", I put out strength to shake her body, but the small girl still keeps being that the depth is collapsed and fainted.I touched the forehead of touching the small girl, this touched, and I got a fright. "Worry dream, does small cloud have high fever!The forehead is hot of frighten a person, hurriedly send to the hospital to her in go", say, I jump down a bed and start wearing clothes. "!That hurries!", The worry dream quickly has already worn clothes as well. Wear in the worry dream for the this period of time of clothes, I also put on for small girl clothes, her clothes wear so much, a white one-piece dress, I specially like she wears this skirt and wears the photogenic the little angel of beauty in her body, really want to hug in the bosom kiss she, kiss her. I an embraced small girl, the worry dream hurriedly opened the door with me and arrived down stairs, we beat a car and went straight to them the county here people the hospital is since then. After getting off, I embrace small girl dynasty the acute disease room run about wildly, in mouth call, "doctor, quick!Save a person quickly". A male doctor in the acute disease room hurriedly ran out, "how?What's the matter with this young girl?". "What about high fever!Have been being saying beard words, come to also come to not to come over, hurry!", I urge a doctor, hasty of all want to cry, saw small girl, this appearance, my heartses all wanted to be ground. ", That hurries, you embrace her to here" says, the male doctor led us to acute disease room inside, worry dream at behind close behind. Arrived emergency room, the male doctor made me put the small girl to in the bed, immediately after two female doctors also followed to come in, they see me still stand on the small girl to nearby say with worry dream, "the family members go out first!Here not ability someone of", say, I with worry dream to pushed out. "Doctor, lets me at in!I think to be foolish with her together", I entreat a doctor. "You are here in addition to the Ai matter can also have what function and go out!Don't influence our treatment", the female doctor's tone allows of no amount of company. "Poem Xia, let's go out!", The worry dream pulled me to come out. I the ground of Xing Xing and worry dream sit to in the seat of the acute disease room outside in the door, often sit down, and then stand, be like hot pot of up of ant, urgently of don't go. "Baby, small cloud is all right of, once the high fever back, was free", the worry dream uprising embraced to embrace me and meant consolation. "Was all so long-term,beats dr dre, how still don't come out", in fact also 10 come to minute, is that my I's mood is too nervous, always feels that time leads too slowly. "Be getting quicker, estimate to beat back to burn needle, lose some liquid burn to back down first", the worry dream says. I a listen to eyebrows a wrinkly, say, "?Still need to inject, small cloud feared to inject most , before the time in school, she an injected will take me up, let me hold tight her hand". The worry dream says with smile, "she not is have boyfriend?Still call to ascend you?". "You don't know that at school, she is to like with me together, she occupies never call her boyfriend of, all call me, in fact my in the mind was some to prepare feeling at that time, I felt that small cloud is to really like mine, I was to feel that she is makes every effort controling to my feelings, she had mercy on too much". ", Baby, you are really good!You is wellsincere so much to the person, a hair from the bottom of one's heart of, the elder sister is really very excited to have this kind of predestination with you, particularly the elder sister is pregnant your kid now, elder sister every day drive happy surround", say, the worry dream holds my head kiss for a while my forehead. At the right moment, the door of acute disease room opened, the female doctor in astonishment looking at worry dream and I, that kind of the facial expression is without any error understand the earth's surface is clear, I exactly and these two beauties what relate to? The female doctor talked, "boon, go in and see!The young girl is awake, burned to a little bit back 1:00", finish saying, use strangely the look in the eyes tooks a look two of us and walked. A Ku of the worry dream spirit my arm, say, "make a fuss over minor things!Baby, we go in to see small cloud", finish saying, the Wan wore my arm to enter acute disease room. Can not, the small girl is really awake, the facial expression is a little bit good-looking, see two of us come in and had mercy on Chu's Chu's ground to say, "worry elder sister Meng, poem Xia, I make you worried!". "You are all right good!Just we what baby frightenned grow crazy similar embrace you run to come in, he is to really be frightened to death", the worry dream sits to small the son simultaneously say nearby. "Thank you!", Is small the son full of silently conveyed tendernessly looking at me. I walk to small son nearby, Fu bottom the body go to and kissed her forehead and said, "you really frightenned to death me, call all call don't come to you, to the utmost say beard words, burn all hot to the touchly, feel a little bit good now?", I heartache ground the cheeks that daut her. "Boon, much better, is want to make you embrace me, just injected a pain to die I" says, small the son took a look worry dream and awkward and shily took a look me again. "Baby, that you embrace her!The consolation comforts our little beauty, small cloud is to ask for a person to love, the elder sisters who see all want to embrace", the worry dream makes fun of small son. I two words don't say, sit to small son nearby, her Lan at bosom, small the son excitedly keep into my bosom to drill and shiver to say, "poem Xia, I just dreamed you were washed away by water, I want to pull you, how can also pull not to live, helplessly follow you closely to hurtle to overhanging cliff underneath, frightenned to death me". "Did what nightmare be just free, I isn't this thoroughly?When a person got sick, was the most easy entertain foolish ideas, also easily have a nightmare, this was the normal phenomenon", was my comforter small son, also daut her back. "I ask a doctor, concerning herCondition, baby, you accompany small cloud first?", Say, the worry dream goes toward to outside walk. "Worry elder sister Meng,cheap dr dre beats, are you getting more angry?", Is small the son gingerly ask a way. Once the worry dream listen to and smile, "silly wench, do we save to feel jealous?So many beauties all belong to this to live a treasure, we are jealous to eat of come over?Don't be over-sensitive, the elder sister is to really want to understand to know your condition", finish saying, the worry dream went out. "Is small son, hereafter don't entertain foolish ideas, how may the worry dream eat your vinegar?Come, I then take one quantity body temperature for you", say, I picked up clinical thermometer from the bedside and lifted small the blouse of son go toward her armpit the bottom put, small the son match with to clip tight clinical thermometer. After 5 minutes, I the bottom took out clinical thermometer from her armpit, on seeing, O.K., only 37 degrees 8, see the appearance burning to back about. At this time Hou, the worry dream and that male doctor also came in, the male doctor walks to small did the son stretch hand to touch touch small nearby the head of son, say, "boon, burned to back about, there is no big Ai, but young man, I want to remind you, your girl friend seemed to once be subjected to what stimulate, you want to accompany her more, know?Otherwise probably develop to become mental paroxysm", the male doctor looking at me to say and has no a facial expression on the face. I hurriedly ordered to nod and said, "boon, know, thank doctor!". "That you also had no necessity to go to hospital, I in a short while prescribed some medicines eat for her, some tranquilize the nerves to repair a brain, some reduce fever of and treatment catch a cold of, she of problems keys are much rest, don't need to be irritated, there was basically no problem" finishes saying, male the doctor went out. At this time, my telephone's ringing , on seeing, is a rice chaff of, I hurriedly answered, Related articles:

