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Is to shake to shake head a way, "from American young lady, really have no."
Anne farmland from beautiful face up involuntarily show unintentionally disappointed facial expression, she transfers a topic way:"Ms. Zhu Dan, that you just said that the First International bank also had weakness, what was this weakness ?"
"First International bank the financial standing is good, but the funds chain contains blemish."This time, Zhu Dan has no the slightest of hesitant, " Qin Shao visits to procure Switzerland unite bank the group pay the price of very greatly, the integration of two family background field top-class banks also occupied very big one part of funds of First International bank.On the other hand, Qin Shao visits to be eager to expanding America and European financial market, each adjusted to gather USD 50,000,000,000 to go out, so now First International bank funds' flowing isn't very wealthy.He this time for giving you the constitution trap, also specially adjusted to gather to provide for use funds to come over from Hong Kong headquarters."
Zhu Dan's words' determining an Anne's farmland is visited the confidence that resists in Chinese stock market by the United States and Qin Shao, however she still stays calm and collecteds of ask a way:"Ms. Zhu Dan, so important intelligence report are you how can anyone know?"

Volume 8 chapter 11 zero private finance mangaing adviser
Renew time:2008-11-219:41:31 chapter word numbers:3282

Heart of pure loyalty inside a tight, Anne farmland from the United States of means she is to have been already accepted, fruit 1 answers not good, may have the sorrow of life.Don't is excessive of hesitant, the face town of Zhu Dan Yi certainly looking at an Anne's farmland from the United States slowly of answer way:"Qin Shao's visiting is a man, I am a woman, man nearby of woman's nature can get much useful intelligence report.Said again, I was also a First International bank the key figures in mainland, some affairs can't avert from mine.Is doing not know my answer canned be satisfied with by the American young lady?"
Zhu Dan worries of the scene didn't appear, because the Anne farmland was smiled by the United States:"Ms. Zhu Dan, for your explanation I am very satisfied.You are an intelligent person, I think that we can continue to do a bargain again."
Zhu Dan shakes, outright refusal way:"From American young lady, your meaning I can understand, but I have already had USD 100,000,000 now, the earth in the sky is big where can not go?Since enough I happiness of lead second half born, do I why the need for ask for trouble again?"
"How?Can Ms. Zhu Dan figure out me to think to do with you what bargain?"The Anne farmland is curiously asked a way by the United States.
The face wry smile of Zhu Dan Yi, she looking at an Anne's farmland from the beautiful positive color way:"From American young lady, the bargain said by you isn't difficult to guess.You are to want to make me return to Qin Shao again to visit to nearby find out intelligence report for you, but Qin Shao visits far from your imagination in of so easily deal with, I don't dare to easily emit this insurance."
"Is Qin Shao's visiting so terrible?"Anne farmland from beautiful as if deep in thought of ask a way.
"Is terrible?The occupancy desire that"Zhu Dan imitates a Buddha to think of what, suddenly peep out on the face surprised fear to of facial expression, " Qin Shao visits is very strong,cheap beats by dre, and and he is together.You can not conceal any viewpoint of heart at all, can see through you because of his one eye."
The Anne farmland is seen Zhu Dan Jing fearing to thus and losing a voice to say with smile by the United States:"I don't believe, only then the absolute being can see through a person ground viewpoint, Qin Shao's canvassing is exactly also only a person whom intelligence orders Gao.Said again, don't you also live thoroughly now?"
"From American young lady, I didn't want to lift him again."Zhu Dan immediately interrupts an Anne's farmland from the beautiful way, " you still find better person."
The Anne farmland is worried the future of household by the beautiful in the mind, she speeched to persuade so much.Zhu Dan but refuse again and again, this has already made her not very great.At that moment, the Anne farmland is come to Wei by the beautiful draw down face to force a way:"Ms. Zhu Dan, since you canvass Qin Shao so severe.You not afraid do I hand over to Qin Shao the data to visit?Qin Shao visits if know that you betray him, do you feel how his meeting handles you?"
"You ……" faces an Anne's farmland from the beautiful threat, Zhu Dan's distemper.
The Anne farmland is looked at Zhu Dan by the United States, speak slowly a way:"The First International bank is the root that Qin Shao visits.As long as the First International bank Kua drops, Qin Shao's visiting is getting more bankrupt.Only Qin Shao visits doom, you just can have peace of mind to enjoy those USD 100,000,000.Even if I don't threaten you, you also want to anxiously make a living.So simple logic.Are you still not understand?"
The Anne farmland is seen Zhu Dan peeping out politic facial expression and continuing to persuade a way by the United States:"Qin Shao visits although control a great deal of business enterprise,make reference to bottom, he is still a banker.The bank ground essence is liabilities management.He doesn't have so many fluxion funds.Just you also said.The funds chain that Qin Shao visits is very weak now.As long as we can make his funds chain wrong, close behind will appear chain reaction.This skyscraper of First International bank will be similar to world trade mansion to bomb however fall on the ground.Qin Shao visits bankruptly that day, is also that you get truely free time."
"The freedom that is real?"Zhu Dan pendency vision, the mouth inside mumblingly repeats this sentence, she has to admit Anne the farmland is had much of demagogy dint by the beautiful ground of words.
"Being quite good is a real freedom."Anne farmland from a little bit beautiful nod, " you can take USD 100,000,000 and die boundary on the whichever nation when the time comes, while need not be worried about any problem.As for bankruptcy of Qin Shao visit ……"
Zhu Dan raises head to stare at Anne a farmland from beautiful:"Qin Shao visits how is meeting?"
The Anne farmland is peeped out by the United States malicious fiercely air, she and Zhu Dan to see:"I make him thoroughly disappear in the world from this."
The Anne farmland is made Zhu Dan involuntarily beat a cold cicada by the beautiful malicious hot earth's surface feeling, she through can not stand Anne farmland from the United States ground vision, immediately move the view of opening oneself,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com.
The Anne farmland is deeply taken a suck at spirit by the United States, the station starts to a way:"Certainly, our Japanese is a race of preaching reason.If Ms. Zhu Dan would not like to do, can leave here at any time, I the unique degree can't obstruct.But now is autumn, sky blackly and early, while walking, Ms. Zhu Dan still caution is good."
Threat, this is the completely naked threat.Zhu Dan Shuang's eyes exert red, looking at an Anne's farmland from the beautiful figure, the facial expression is cloudy or sunny uncertain.Anne farmland the step left by the United States is very slow, seem Be waiting for what.
BE soon across to go out by the United States at the Anne's farmland of
The Dan finally sighed tone and made a noise to call a way:"From American young lady, your etc..Stopped a step, peep out satisfied smiling face on the face, see to everything exerting in the confidence.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia Kingdom, the benefit is graceful to get, the Er tile sign the virtuous prince's palace.
William Heng especially private airplane slowly of landings at the Er tile sign the loft of virtuous prince's palace, the Er tile sign a virtuous prince to take to return of Li Li Anne in person come to greet William Heng especially.
William Heng takes own assistant to walk to get off the airplane especially and sees the Li Li that prince's body of coming the accolade stand beside Anne, the flash across is one silk surprise in the look in the eyes.Is very obvious, the Li Li Anne's outlooking's combining to be different from is Arab of pure and unadulterated, this aroused William Heng especially of attention.
The Er tile sign a virtuous prince to see William Heng descend especially airplane and come up to shake hands with him on one's own initiative, and take his left hand at William Heng a right shoulder especially up kiss his two cheeks, this is the special Saudi Arabia salute etiquette.William Heng wants to be foolish annually especially the quite a few in Middle East month, so he understands the etiquette of Saudi Arabia very much and also knows the place with a lot of demand taboos.So, though he is very interested in Anne of Li Li, but he also knows, if especially the sand person take women to do a companion, you don't hope to shake hands with her as well as hope will introduce you to her.
Just let William Heng especially surprised BE, this Arabia serves the woman of foppery to stretch out hand hello way to him on his/her own initiative:"How are you, Heng especially Sir, I call Li Li Anne, very happy know you."
"Ms. Anne of Li Li, how are you,Beats By Dre In Ear.Ms. Anne of Li Li of"William Heng sounds out to ask a way especially, "'s seeming to be not is a sand is the person especially?"
Anne of Li Li is original meaning to is the good will that wants to acquire William Heng to be especially, but has never thoughts William Heng will ask a question like this especially, so her Leng for a while.It is one side to pour of the Er tile sign a virtuous prince to hurriedly break siege a way for her:"Heng especially Sir, I have already established good carouse, we still descend first go to."
"Good."William Heng transfers attention to come over especially and imitate a Buddha just that problem Related articles:

